Volume 9 (2012)

Geometry and topology

Bruno P. Zimmermann
On finite groups acting on spheres and finite subgroups of orthogonal groups, pp. 1-12.

Kopylov Ya. A.
On the homology sequence in a P-semi-Abelian category, pp. 190-200.

Mednykh A. D.
Brahmagupta formula for cyclic quadrilaterals in the hyperbolic plane, pp. 247-255.

Sokolova D. Yu.
On trapezoid area on the Lobachevskii plane, pp. 256-260. [Russian, English abstract]

Egorov D. V.
On Morse theory for manifolds with cross products, pp. 456-459.

Bagina O. G.
Convex pentagons which tile the plane (types: 11112, 11122), pp. 478-530. [Russian, English abstract]

Alexandrov V. A.
Around the A. D. Alexandrov’s theorem on a characterization of a sphere, pp. 639-652. [Russian, English abstract]

Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics

Khusainov A. A.
Homology groups of asynchronous systems, Petri nets, and trace languages, pp. 13-44. [Russian, English abstract]

Tommy R. Jensen
Simple algorithm for finding a second Hamilton cycle, pp. 151-155.

Tommy R. Jensen, Mark H. Siggers
On a question of Dirac on critical and vertex critical graphs, pp. 156-160.

Makarov M.A.
Antimonotone permutations, pp. 346-359. [Russian, English abstract]

Anna E. Frid
Fine and Wilf’s theorem for permutations, pp. 377-381.

Avgustinovich S. V., Kitaev S. V., Valyuzhenich A. A.
Crucial and bicrucial permutations with respect to arithmetic monotone patterns, pp. 660-671.

Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control

Anikonov Yu. E., Neshchadim M. V.
On inverse problems for equations of mathematical physics with parameter, pp. 45-64. [Russian, English abstract]

Parfenov A. I.
Weighted a priori estimate in straightenable domains of local Lyapunov-Dini type, pp. 65-150. [Russian, English abstract]

Yulmukhametova Yu. V.
Submodels in gas dynamics with linear field of velocity, pp. 208-226. [Russian, English abstract]

Nekrasova I. V.
Mathematical models of a hydraulic shock in a viscous liquid, pp. 227-246. [Russian, English abstract]

Makarevich E. V.
Gasdynamics equations submodels hierarchy in case of state equation with separated density, pp. 306-328. [Russian, English abstract]

Aleksandrov V. M.
Optimal control of dynamic system under insufficient information, pp. 329-345. [Russian, English abstract]

Anikonov Yu. E., Ayupova N. B., Bardakov V. G., Golubyantikov V. P., Neshchadim M. V.
Inversion of mapping and inverse problems, pp. 382-432. [Russian, English abstract]

Voronin A. F.
Recovery solutions of the Volterra equation of the first kind of convolution on the half with incomplete data, pp. 464-471. [Russian, English abstract]

Baranovskii E. S.
Solvability of the Stationary Optimal Control Problem for Motion Equations of Second Grade Fluids, pp. 554-560. [Russian, English abstract]

Bugueva T. V.
Determining of the parameters of an elastic isotropic medium in a infinite cylinder, pp. 568-617. [Russian, English abstract]

Bondar L. N.
On solvability of one elliptic equation in a half-space, pp. 618-638. [Russian, English abstract]

Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory

Baizhanov B. S., Sudoplatov S. V., Verbovskiy V. V.
Conditions for non-symmetric relations of semi-isolation, pp. 161-184.

Filippov K. A.
On centralizers of automorphisms of Burnside groups B0(2, 5), pp. 185-189. [Russian, English abstract]

Kravchenko A. V.
Minimal quasivarieties of differential groupoids with nonzero multiplication, pp. 201-207. [Russian, English abstract]

Daniyarova E. Yu.
Axioms of Metabelian Lie Q-algebras and U-algebras, pp. 266-284. [Russian, English abstract]

Tsiovkina L. Yu.
On automorphisms of a distance-regular graph with intersection array {35,32,1;1,2,35}, pp. 285-293. [Russian, English abstract]

Manzaeva N. Ch.
A solution of Wielandt’s problem for the sporadic groups, pp. 294-305. [Russian, English abstract]

Kulpeshov B. Sh.
On self-definable subsets of ℵ0–categorical weakly o-minimal structures, pp. 433-438.

Shlyopkin A. A.
On Neumann’s lemma and Sylvester sequence, pp. 439-444. [Russian, English abstract]

Dzhumadil’daev A. S., Yeliussizov D. A.
Wolstenholme’s theorem for binomial coefficients, pp. 460-463.

Kondratiev A. S., Khramtsov I. V.
On finite nonsimple threeprimary groups with disconnected prime graph, pp. 472-477. [Russian, English abstract]

Nirova M. S.
Distance-regular locally GQ(4, t)-graphs, pp. 653-659. [Russian, English abstract]

Real, complex and functional analysis

Henry C. Rhaly Jr., Billy E. Rhoades
Conditions for factorable matrices to be hyponormal and dominant, pp. 261-265.

Zadorin A. I., Zadorin N. A.
Interpolation formula for functions with a boundary layer component and its application to derivatives calculation, pp. 445-455.

Khriptun M. D.
New classes of generating functions for generalized Bessel functions with satisfy the ordinary differential equation of the m-order, pp. 561-567. [Russian, English abstract]

Mathematical life

Kutateladze S. S.
Kantorovich's Ideas and the Present Day, pp. A.1-A.5. [Russian, English abstract]

Kutateladze S. S.
Alexandrov of Ancient Hellas, pp. A.6-A.11.

Borovsky Yu. E.
Memories of Alexandr Danilovich Alexandrov, pp. A.12-A.15.
This is an authorized English version of an article in Russian which appearеd in "Академик Александр Данилович Александров. Воспоминания. Публикации. Материалы." Ред.: Г. М. Идлиc, О. А. Ладыженская. М.: Наука, 2002

Golubyatnikov V. P.
Süss’s Lemma and Inverse Problems, pp. A.16-A.19. [Russian, English abstract]

Dekster B. V.
A Story about History, pp. A.20-A.23. [Russian, English abstract]

Idlis G. M.
The Teacher, pp. A.24-A.36.
This is an authorized English version of an article in Russian which appearеd in "Академик Александр Данилович Александров. Воспоминания. Публикации. Материалы." Ред.: Г. М. Идлиc, О. А. Ладыженская. М.: Наука, 2002

Kosheleva O. M.
Each of Us Is Responsible for Everything, pp. A.37-A.39.
This is an authorized English version of an article in Russian which appearеd in "Академик Александр Данилович Александров. Воспоминания. Публикации. Материалы." Ред.: Г. М. Идлиc, О. А. Ладыженская. М.: Наука, 2002

Kreinovich V. Ya.
Larger than Life, pp. A.40-A.43.
This is an authorized English version of an article in Russian which appearеd in "Академик Александр Данилович Александров. Воспоминания. Публикации. Материалы." Ред.: Г. М. Идлиc, О. А. Ладыженская. М.: Наука, 2002

Kutateladze S. S.
Traits, pp. A.44-A.61.
This is an authorized English version of an article in Russian which appearеd in "Академик Александр Данилович Александров. Воспоминания. Публикации. Материалы." Ред.: Г. М. Идлиc, О. А. Ладыженская. М.: Наука, 2002

Zalgaller V. A.
Memoirs on A. D. Alexandrov and His Leningrad Geometry Seminar, pp. A.62-A.80.
This is an authorized English version of an article in Russian which appearеd in "Академик Александр Данилович Александров. Воспоминания. Публикации. Материалы." Ред.: Г. М. Идлиc, О. А. Ладыженская. М.: Наука, 2002

Reshetnyak Yu. G.
On the Centenary of the Birth of Academician A. D. Alexandrov, pp. A.81-A.84.

Kutateladze S. S.
The Tragedy of Mathematics in Russia, pp. A.85-A.100.

Scientific heritage

Aleksandrov A. D.
On the Surfaces Representable as Difference of Convex Functions, pp. 360-376.
Translated from Izv. Acad. Nauk KazSSR., Ser. Mat. Mekh. 3 (1949), 3-20.
Translated into English by editorial office of translators of Siberian Mathematical Journal.

Reshetnyak Yu. G., Zalgaller V. A.
On Rectifiable Curves, Additive Vector Functions, and the Minkowski Sum of Straight Line Segments, pp. 531-553.
Translated from Vestn. Leningr. Univ., Ser. Mat., Fiz., Khim. Issue 1 (1954), 45-67.
Translated into English by editorial office of translators of Siberian Mathematical Journal.

© Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2004

